Emotional Body Mapping Blog
Are you fed up with conventional treatments that just don't cut it?
Feel like your chronic pain and emotional trauma are holding you hostage?
Welcome to Emotional Body Mapping, a sanctuary for holistic healers and those seeking an alternative path to healing. We see you, we hear you, and we understand your struggle.
You might be thinking, "I've tried everything, and I'm still stuck in this never-ending cycle of pain and suffering." Guess what? You're not alone, and there's a way out. Here, we'll guide you and other holistic healers in growing your authentic businesses while overcoming the debilitating effects of unresolved trauma and chronic pain.
So, buckle up and get ready to dive into the life-changing world of Emotional Body Mapping. Together, we'll explore revolutionary techniques and insights that will empower you to conquer pain, heal from emotional trauma, and cultivate a thriving practice. Are you ready to unlock your true potential and transform your life? Let's begin this incredible journey!
Body Affirmations: Help Your Body Feel Good
When we are in pain, feel sad or exhausted for any reason,
it’s not only our mind that would benefit from affirmative thoughts. Our body is our temple and we serve to respect and nurture it with kind words.
If you are having chronic pain and can’t find the source of it - well, the source might be your not expressed emotions. This is why I created 24 body affirmations which are going to help your body and your emotional state.
Emotions Underlying Physical Pain: A Breakdown of How and Where Emotions Manifest in the Body
Our emotions are not separate from our body as our body is not separate from our emotions, but often we try to compartmentalize these two parts of ourselves and work on the self-care aspect of these while negating their close proximity. Most often it is the repeat mini-traumas that we store in our body unconsciously unaware that they are holding tension.
Money Manifestation in 2019: 4 Most Common Mistakes that are Stopping your Heartfelt Business Making Money
How are you currently asking and manifesting money in your current business? This blog post aims to give some insight into some things you may be currently doing that essentially harming your business and your abundance. Don’t worry, I was there once too, a martyr with my gifts because I thought that was the ethical thing to do. Find out the most common mistakes about money wit when being a heartfelt business.
Building a holistic home-based business that supported my own self-care practice saved my life and gave me better results with my client’s transformations than ever expected. You can work online and connect with clients authentically without ads or overwork. Building a healing business is holistic, with compassion and empathy, and without the shame of not knowing the tech. Everything is a learning curve, but you have the gifts to help others heal today.
Learn how remote healing work can be beneficial to a traditional healing business. Working online has its benefits financially, energetically, and soulfully for you and your clients.
Emotional Body Mapping: A Medical Intuitive Online Course
Have you wanted to start a holistic home based business where you can do remote healing work comfortably and effectively? Have you listened deeply to your emotional body and intuitively recognized the pain as root traumas? Have you been able to effectively heal yourself or others? There are simple steps to help others connect to the root of their emotional body and allow self healing to activate.
Medical intuitive online course, The emotional body, Emotional healing course, build healing business.
Emotional Body Mapping for Parenting
Do you often find yourself upset or helpless when your child (no matter the age) is dealing with pain or discomfort in his/her body that you can't source? What is your initial response to wanting to "fix" or support your child?
Your Body Speaks, Learn the Language
Are you ready to take your knowledge of Emotional Body Mapping to the next level? In the end of September we are launching Emotional Body Mapping Practitioner Group Program. This 8-week program will breakdown each level for an in-depth dive into how your body speaks. At the end of the program, participants will have a deeper understand of this powerful knowledge and have the tools necessary to share it with their clients.
How Are You Feeling...Honestly?
When someone asks you the question, "How are you doing?" or "How are you feeling?" Do you respond with the typical cookie cutter response of "good" or "fine"? Or do you take the time to tap into your body and really listen to what it's telling you?
From Mindful Modern Nomad to Emotional Body Mapping Coach
Have you ever had a moment in your business when you felt like a fraud or weren’t living up to your full potential? As a holistic coach for the Mindful Modern Nomad, I work with clients on a daily basis to support them in overcoming their fears and being in alignment with their desires through my method of Emotional Body Mapping. So you can imagine what it was like when I had my own stark realization that I myself wasn’t practicing what I coach.
How to get clients on FB without spending a Dollar on Ads
You know that Facebook is good for your blog but you're not sure how to use it. Do you just post statuses on your business page like you do on your personal profile?Facebook is the second biggest referrer of traffic to my site after Pinterest. And most of that comes from Facebook Groups.
Now is the time to use Facebook to help boost your business without spending a small fortune on ads.
How to start & grow an engaged Facebook group
Facebook Groups are all about growing a community – and you can use them to grow engagement with your Facebook Page by growing your brand online. This guide serves as a basic tutorial on how to create a Facebook group, along with some tips on getting people to join your new group. Follow these easy steps to create your own unique piece of Facebook real estate.
Mindset, authenticity, online presence, online business, marketing, personal branding, business building tips for holistic practitioners
How to Attract Clients for a Holistic Online Business
Beginning a holistic practice online can be very discouraging and intimidating. From learning all the social media practices, to building a website and email list and learning all the ins and outs of the world wide web, it’s like getting lost in a labyrinth. It can feel obscure and seem impossible to convey in the same ways that you do in person. How do you attract consistent clients when the market seems so saturated and you know nothing or very little about marketing?
Being a freelancer in any field very often we are faced with the conundrum of an incredibly difficult client. I have personally caught myself in the moment thinking more about my bills and letting myself become devalued for a simple pay check.
Whether or not clients are unclear, unresponsive but demand immediate results, ask for unrealistic goals and deadlines, or simply have taste, morals, or values that do not mesh, this undeniable time and heart consuming client is bad news for business.
Setting Client Boundaries
Like any healthy relationship, a client relationship serves to have clear and direct boundaries. Boundaries are helpful for your client as much as they are for you. When you are setting working boundaries, you are allowing your client to be more self-sufficient and increases their personal confidence by not demanding/requiring so much external support from you.
Streamlining your Routine – Pre-scheduling Content
Now that you have created a fool-proof posting schedule for your social media posts, you want to be able to do that in the most effortless way possible. From collecting beautiful imagery to capture your audience's attention, to creating branded templates, to scheduling the right posts on the right social media channels, we've got you covered.
Streamlining your Routine – Creating a posting schedule
As a small business owner, your most valuable resource is time. You want to be sure that you are utilising your time in the most effective way possible. This is especially important with social media. When done ineffectively, it can take up a huge amount of your time. When streamlined properly, you can invest that extra time in doing what you do best and working on your business as opposed to in it.
9 Spiritual Rituals for Money and Prosperity
This is a holistic guide that could possibly turn your life around and you could begin having abundant success in your life. Instead of living everyday in a scarcity-mindset, start shifting that self-sabotage and become blessed with your wealth.
What causes self-sabotaging behavior and 5 strategies to stop doing it!
What causes self-sabotaging behavior? It is really easy to buy that gym membership and never use it. But, there are ways to avoid the self-sabotage and here are 5 strategies to get you started on your road to success.