Give and you will Receive. It is that Simple.

Take the time to give to others... 

The universe works in mysterious ways. It is important not to be looking for a means to your next paycheck, instead, looking to connect with loving intentions.  Cheesy but this shit works, and if you are a traveler, it is more important than you realize. The universe will give you everything you need on your journeys if you give others the love and presence they deserve. Btdubs...  

Everyone deserves love


Today I spent my day with these heart honoring intentions. Gifting myself and skills to others granted me two new massage clients and a little sweetness from Oaxaca. Trust the universal code of whatever you give comes back three times. With this trust, you can be honored instantaneously. I am sure you have had this happen at least once in your life. The magic exists! 

Happiness is created by you, but no one said you couldn't inspire happiness in others.

Happiness is created by you, but no one said you couldn't inspire happiness in others.

This law is an honest one. It is one that represents how present you are. When you are present these simple acts of giving are neither challenging nor separate of your day to day tasks, they flow fluidly and become effortless. You miss out on connections that have the possibility of more prosperity than the plans you have while out with others. When you are in your head worrying about the past or planning the future, you are losing the awesomeness of your present moment. That present moment is where the gifts happen, it is called the present for a reason. Those connections are your real network and they matter. Really, think about a time something really awesome happened to shift your business or life in a big way. I bet it was nothing you meticulously planned but a moment you connected in completely unpredictable way. It is those connections that leap you into your success story. 

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    Whatever you give comes back to you three times. 

    The focal point of universal law reminds us of the beauty of giving. The concept of catching more flies with honey achieves something while bringing light into otherwise grim situations. A smile, a hug, a thank you, telling someone you like something they are wearing can change an entire day for someone. Happiness comes from within and from that same space we inspire happiness.

    So many times we tell ourselves what we are not doing enough, we are lazy, we should do more. Rarely do we remind ourselves of the good that we bring into the world. My homework for you is to compliment and smile at two people tomorrow, one of them being yourself. The change starts within and then we can inspire greatness. 

    Infinite love and gratitude

    The Snarky Spiritualist 

    This was a free cupcake I was gifted after returning home from Thailand. I entered a Native Foods in Chicago, complimented the worker's smile, got this cupcake and the sign was perfectly fitting.

    This was a free cupcake I was gifted after returning home from Thailand. I entered a Native Foods in Chicago, complimented the worker's smile, got this cupcake and the sign was perfectly fitting.

    Emotional Body Mapping is remote healing work that is healing trauma, creating an abundance mindset, and is here to help create a self-care practice for you. If you have are interested in our emotional healing courses, intuitive online courses, or to build a holistic home based business, this community of coaches and facilitators is here to encourage your healthy routine into success.

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