Emotional Body Mapping Blog

Are you fed up with conventional treatments that just don't cut it?

Feel like your chronic pain and emotional trauma are holding you hostage?

Welcome to Emotional Body Mapping, a sanctuary for holistic healers and those seeking an alternative path to healing. We see you, we hear you, and we understand your struggle.

You might be thinking, "I've tried everything, and I'm still stuck in this never-ending cycle of pain and suffering." Guess what? You're not alone, and there's a way out. Here, we'll guide you and other holistic healers in growing your authentic businesses while overcoming the debilitating effects of unresolved trauma and chronic pain.

So, buckle up and get ready to dive into the life-changing world of Emotional Body Mapping. Together, we'll explore revolutionary techniques and insights that will empower you to conquer pain, heal from emotional trauma, and cultivate a thriving practice. Are you ready to unlock your true potential and transform your life? Let's begin this incredible journey!


In order to be able to really understand the deep transformative quality of confidence it serves to look at what happens to the human body when we are functioning without confidence. Confidence and insecurity/lack of confidence can be seen in multiple places within the body, both internally and externally. If insecurity lingers for longer periods of time the more it affects organ systems and other aspects of the central nervous system.

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coaching, productivity Brook Woolf coaching, productivity Brook Woolf

Setting Client Boundaries

Like any healthy relationship, a client relationship serves to have clear and direct boundaries. Boundaries are helpful for your client as much as they are for you. When you are setting working boundaries, you are allowing your client to be more self-sufficient and increases their personal confidence by not demanding/requiring so much external support from you.

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Yoga and Massage in Chiang Mai, Thailand: An Extensive Breakdown of Different Styles and Modalities

A thorough post documenting massage and yoga that Chiang Mai has to offer and the reasons for each one. It is a short database for healers, practitioners, and people who are coming to Thailand for personal growth and wellness. 

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wellness, coaching Brook Woolf wellness, coaching Brook Woolf

Shifting Mindsets and Inspiring Healing in Chiang Mai, Thailand

If you are a new traveler and finding that it is harder than you thought, this is a good place to feel supported. In this article, you will learn some of the common challenges that a new traveler faces and that there are solutions to these challenges. Even healing through the worst chronic physical pain and emotional baggage through travel is possible, however, it takes facing it with mindful strategies. 

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