Not my sh*t! A common mantra for many
Ever had a crazy person just wile out on you randomly? Well, I lived in the Bay Area so that was pretty much a right of passage. In any case, this crazy person scenario can actually be replaced with a family member, a friend, or loved one that goes crazy on you at some point or another and the reaction from you doesn't change much. It goes something along the lines of, "Woah, that is not my sh*t!". You immediately recognize and notice someone is going off and it makes no sense so this must not have to do with me.
There are many versions when it serves you to use "not my sh*t" on a regular basis
1. When someone gets upset over anything petty.
2. When you feel obligated to do something, don't do anything out of obligation. When you do you are bound to take on someone else's sh*t and not even know it. Enabling isn't helping anyone.
3. When someone gets loud and cannot control their anger towards you. If they cannot control their temper, that is their sh*t, don't take it personally.
4. Don't take anything personally! Literally anything someone says or does. If you do you are taking on their sh*t. You must then do a cleanse on other people's sh*t.
5. You know those energy sucking people in your life? Friends and family... they are the kings of sticking their sh*t on you without you even noticing. That is why you're generally way more tired after seeing them.
6. People who feel you owe them when there wasn't any form of agreement whether verbal or written. Usually, in this case, it is their sh*t.
A painting I did regarding the fifth chakra through massage. This chakra generally is the holder of other people's sh*t. We generally carry it in our shoulders and throat.. It is also our chakra of communication and sound.
So, there are many ways in which to clear the "not my sh*t" energy and people in your life. One that I regularly practice and teach is the method of self check-in. This works for when you know you will be running into an energy sucking person and how to prepare for them. You check-in prior to seeing them. This means closing your eyes and sitting for one to five minutes, checking your body aches and pains and overall sense of heaviness and lightness. Think about what colors you would be, texture, try to give as many descriptive details you can give yourself for the state of being you feel you are in. When you return home, or leave the place where that person/persons may have been do the same check in. Whatever doesn't feel like it was before just say "not my sh*t " and watch it leave your body. It is that simple, just do your best to be as visual as possible in this exercise and do this with intention. The self trust is what builds the self care.
That predominately works for #5, however, learning how not to take things personally pretty much work for everything else. If you can give yourself a daily mantra of "I will not take things personally to the best of my ability, because that is not my sh*t. " you may do pretty swimmingly. It is easier said than done not taking things personally and is a life-long practice but well worth it. So don't judge yourself to harshly in the process and just keep doing your best!
Infinite love and Gratitude,
The Snarky Spiritualist