What's in my bag? Top 8 items to travel with for the Conscious Traveler

These are the moments I am definitely called a hippy and I don't care. Doesn't it feel nice to be as chemically free as possible in and outside of your body wherever you are going? There aren't that many products you truly need, however I am no minimalist. So, I will do my best to weed out the lesser important things to bring and make note of the most important. 

These are some of the things written below, a visual aid for you ;)

These are some of the things written below, a visual aid for you ;)

1. 8 essential oils and the case (tea tree, peppermint, rose geranium, lemongrass, frankincense, lavender, cinnamon, ginger, and sometimes citronella and eucalyptus depending on the location)

2. Egyptian magic (this works to heal all cuts, bites, skin rashes, burns and irritations.) It is made of everything bee you could think of and truly is magical. 

3. Rose petal witch hazel (this is a gentler cleaner for your face, cuts, bites and acne)


4. Probiotics, charcoal, and papaya enzymes (these are you digestive saviors. The Nat-Stim I bring also is great for building immunity and can be taken the first month you move anywhere to help balance you out.)

5. Colloidal Silver and Oregano Oil (This is your immune saviors for when you feel like you have a flu or cold-like symptom. They are not meant to be taken daily as they kill all bacteria, both good and bad.) 

6. Castile Soap (I usually bring a big bottle because this mixed with essential oils, distilled vinegar, lemongrass or another citrus essential oil makes house cleaners. Add baking soda to that mix and you have a bathroom cleaner. It by itself just add water and you favorite essential oil you have shampoo, laundry detergent and dish soap. It is definitely of great use for travelers.)

7. Palo Santos and Bamboo Sheets and pillowcases, good smells and natural sleep. (Palo Santos is both a spiritual neutralizer for when you enter a new space, and a smell neutralizer. Bamboo sheets just rock and its nice to feel at home with nice organic sheets. Sleep is where you lay your face the closest to the unknown.)

8. Yoga Towel (ALWAYS bring a towel while traveling, I personally put two together by having a yoga towel. I don't have to have my face on gross in house yoga mats while training and I have a towel or blanket to lay on the beach. Its lighter than a mat and can roll up easily. ) 

Things not mentioned above: Massage balls, homeopathic jet lag and motion sickness meds, two homeopathic internals for soreness and bug bites, awesome natural deodorant & toothpaste.

Things not mentioned above: Massage balls, homeopathic jet lag and motion sickness meds, two homeopathic internals for soreness and bug bites, awesome natural deodorant & toothpaste.

I will in the future write a wonderful post for beginners about essential oils. For now the most important things to know is natural doesn't mean organic and if you are going to ingest, you must use organic. Don't shake it or touch the top because that adds bacteria. And finally, always mix it with an oil base and lavender or tea tree when making an ointment; oils can be very drying to the skin, I personally use either coconut oil or jojoba for a scent free option. 

So I hope that made your happy hippy heart pitter patter and you feel ready to go anywhere and not feel like you are compromising your body or spirit in any way. 

Blessings and Gratitude,

The Snarky Spiritualist 

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