Emotional Body Mapping Blog
Are you fed up with conventional treatments that just don't cut it?
Feel like your chronic pain and emotional trauma are holding you hostage?
Welcome to Emotional Body Mapping, a sanctuary for holistic healers and those seeking an alternative path to healing. We see you, we hear you, and we understand your struggle.
You might be thinking, "I've tried everything, and I'm still stuck in this never-ending cycle of pain and suffering." Guess what? You're not alone, and there's a way out. Here, we'll guide you and other holistic healers in growing your authentic businesses while overcoming the debilitating effects of unresolved trauma and chronic pain.
So, buckle up and get ready to dive into the life-changing world of Emotional Body Mapping. Together, we'll explore revolutionary techniques and insights that will empower you to conquer pain, heal from emotional trauma, and cultivate a thriving practice. Are you ready to unlock your true potential and transform your life? Let's begin this incredible journey!
Learning about New Cultures: Ask More Questions!
Learn about new cultures, ethical and sustainable travel!
Learn how YOU can have an ABUNDANCE mindset, CONSISTENT clients, and believe that it is all possible while traveling the world. Mindful Modern Nomads is a commUNITY for healing service-based guides and facilitators ready to create positive change in the WORLD.
Thoughts on abundance and the Feminine/Masculine Balance Philosophizing in Chiang Mai, Thailand.
What if you chose happiness instead of negativity? What if you chose collaboration instead of doing it all alone? What would your life look like?
Liebstar Award Given to Indigo Warrior Life- YASSS Queen!
So, it is here finally. Had to wait on my computer getting repaired but the time has come to share the nominees! If you want to know some special stuff about my life too that I would rarely share unless prompted this is a great post for that too!
Top 10 Mindful Travel Blogs Worth Reading in 2017
If you are a mindful traveler, or you want to start a travel lifestyle and don't know where to start, let these expert bloggers help lead the way towards your next adventure. This is filled with a variety of mindful blog-writers from more of a sustainable tourism approach, foodies, adventurers, mindfulness with illness, to building mindfulness in a digital nomad community. Start your adventure, be inspired now!
5 Rookie Mistakes of the Digital Nomad
Ever considered living your life as a digital nomad, a remote worker, a traveler that works? Essentially, ever considered quitting your job to travel the world and work? Well, in that case, it is important you read this before you start. It is crucial to know what you are getting yourself into instead of living your life in a reactionary mode. It is important to live your life as the deliberate creator of your world and your dreams.
Thailand- The Land of Smiles, Massages, and Motorbikes.
A story that changed my life. Compassion that brings people together and shifts perspectives.
Conscious Travel: What is it and why I am so obsessed!
Why I live my life with these awesome core values and how you can too! Join a community that empowers you as you travel!
Lights of November
A world tasting of festivals that bring the fire to autumn days. Guest post by @jupitjourney.
How to Shop Ethically and Responsibly
A guide to shopping abroad and how it can be both ethical and a learning experience.
10 things to do In San Miguel de Allende, Mexico on a Whim
Top ten things to do for the budget traveler in Mexico. Other than wandering... some things to do!
Why people hate the word Spirituality, but hate on Atheism more.
Everyone got to their belief's from their personal experience. So, let's do our best not to judge but to listen. They are trying to share themselves with you!
Why going with the flow while traveling is so important.
Don't try to plan your whole trip or you will be disappointed. When you start to go with the flow, it leads you to opportunities you may have not even known existed. Plus a way to learn art while traveling with an online course!
The foundation is everything
Remembering what we have learned at the beginning of any practice is important. Don't forget to go back to the basics, you may learn something new.
Being bold and going for it...
Getting yourself in the big red door! A small reminder to artists about sales and selling your art. This can also apply to any person who is having trouble believing in their craft, trade, or profession.
Artisan Market, Lebanese Food, and a Fish Spa... treat yourself.
Odd jobs to think about while traveling and ways to give to yourself.
Painting Days and Eating Chicken... organic on a budget.
My inspiration for the day, healthy routine and places you can buy organic foods in San Miguel de Allende.