In order to be able to really understand the deep transformative quality of confidence it serves to look at what happens to the human body when we are functioning without confidence. Confidence and insecurity/lack of confidence can be seen in multiple places within the body, both internally and externally. If insecurity lingers for longer periods of time the more it affects organ systems and other aspects of the central nervous system. This blog post is not a solution focused post, but more a study of the human body and its response to confidence and insecurity.
We can break down the study of confidence in the human body into three main parts.
Body language/aesthetic and verbal cues.
All body systems/Chronic pain/levels of emotional stability
Our safety mechanism when feeling unsafe or insecure is to go into a ball.
Body Language
This has to be the most obvious and easy to site when we see confidence or lack thereof in the human body. When someone is hunched over in a chair or walking with a slump, looking down, frowns and dismal expressions it is clear there is a lack of personal confidence. After mom or dad yells at their child and reprimands their child tends to slowly contract and curl up. Our safety mechanism when feeling unsafe or insecure is to go into a ball. So, as we become less secure with our behaviors as adults we become quieter, less vocal, and more reserved by nature.
There are cultural cues as well to consider as some cultures do often show confidence and insecurity different via body language. Although across all cultures you will notice that the more upright someone stands the more someone is holding confidence. In Latin cultures it can even become a full chest out almost hyperlordosis and can be compensating for insecurity in other ways. Much the same overcompensation can be someone speaking extra loud.
Confidence can be seen by someone clearly projecting and standing tall.
A strong walk and a balanced stride. Shoulders not pulled up by the ears, but lowers and the ribs tucked gently into the spine. A gentle soft jaw and a soft gaze or smile shows an inner happiness.
Digestion/Sleep Behaviors
Worrying and insecurities can affect the nervous system quite rapidly. As we often say butterflies in the stomach, nerves that happen quite often, especially someone who has social anxiety can easily start seeing the effects of their sleep and digestive patterns. No matter what they are eating the human body responds to the central nervous system constantly being triggered by the nerves. This can create illness such as Crohn's disease, acid reflux, bowel issues, polyps, ulcers, inflammatory diseases/spleen functions, eczema, psoriasis, and other illnesses connected to diet and exercise. Obviously, diet and exercise also play a role in the functions of the digestive system and sleep, and exercise especially can be transformative for those that are insecure or low energy in confidence.
When someone has more confidence they sleep better, they have less thoughts in the evening of worries about their next day.
Their body’s systems are not constantly being triggered by the outside world and they are able to self-stabilize when trauma comes into their life (as shit happens to all of us and is unavoidable unless we are living as monks in the world ;)). Because of this, they find that their system can handle more irregularity without getting sick as well.
Worrying and insecurities can affect the nervous system quite rapidly.
All Body Systems and Functions
When suffering with insecurities, issues of confidence over longer periods of time the body can begin to shut down many of its functions. The feelings and constant strain on the body to continue functioning can slowly affect the daily life of the body. This is where the beginning of chronic pain, depression, and larger illnesses such as cancer can begin to form and become present. When insecurity lasts a long time the body begins to see that as the new normal and the adrenal functions and nervous system no longer have the energy to function at high levels. In turn, the body begins to shut down certain functions for safety and control of the most important functions of survival.
That means having the heart, brain and body to be at minimal functions to stay alive. Anything that seems to be needing extra work will begin to do less. That also means after multiple years of body positions being insecure the bones will begin to fuse as well. People can develop things such as fused spinal columns, frozen shoulders, TOS (thoracic outlet syndrome), hip displacement, knee pain, and other structural blockages.
When confident, the body’s fluids and capillaries are flowing more easily and effectively, which allows for movement and flow in all functions of the body.
The stress on the body is far less and therefore the capabilities to handle day to day stress is far easier. The confident body seeks contentment and not as much immediate satisfaction/distractions to fill the void. Therefore joy is temporary and the idea that life is supposed to be happy all the time is dismantled. A person who is confidence is lead by their inner purpose versus the outside world’s validation/control of their happiness.
I hope that this breakdown of the body and response has been informative and sparked some understanding of your own limitations and where to begin to ask questions for your journey towards inner and outer health.
Emotions are highly underrated in western medicine in creating a healthy body however, on a holistic level all functions serve to be working simultaneously for us to live a transformative and purpose driven life.
When we can combine both the physical health knowledge that we have with our emotional health it is where we see the most results with longevity in life and high functioning systems.
Feel free to check our Self-Care Bootcamp or our year long Academy if you are looking for a group to hold accountability on your personal self care.
The Academy is for those that are building a wellness business and understand that working on yourself and your business serve to be a simultaneous process to see the most effective results.
Thank you for exploring and taking the time to investigate the human body from a different perspective.
Your body speaks, learn the language.
Your Emotional Body Mapping Coach,
Brook Woolf
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