How to become a Master of any craft- This is a trick post.
The simple answer is do it, and then do it some more. Then do it some more after that until you feel confident. However, I truthfully feel the word master is being tossed around like ham sandwiches these days and I have yet to meet someone that is a middle-aged master. So, I think you gotta get old to even be considered a master ;).
The real question, does the world need masters? Do we just need our personal experience to be shared with one another and together becoming a collective grand master? My whole life I have been a practicing collaborator, from childhood partnerships to building nonprofit community spaces. We get caught up in the ego of being recognized we neglect the awesomeness of community through joint intelligences and skill-sets. It is not one person that built the pyramids of Giza and it DEFINITELY isn't going to be one person to help our world's environmental crisis.
The true master is collaboration. Working together to help inspire one another and learn from one another. Once we drop the ego of pride and the need to be seen/recognized/affirmed we can then find our space. It is not scarcity that is creating world hunger, it is ego. It is powerful to recognize ourselves holding ourselves back from prosperity.
If all digital nomads pitched in ten dollars a month and worked together the unbelievable is possible. Through our resources we could have shared homes in every country, full running gardens, our own airplanes and pilots, and never need to worry about saving money to travel again.
It is not our individuality that serves to leave us, but our pride that separates us into a divided system. To have pride signifies that another is either less than, doesn't have, or is not and therefor should not be proud. Essentially pride states, "I am different, but in the most awesome way." This way of thinking is an act of segregation. Instead to hide humanity's differences and how they profoundly serve us. We are unique, and that is powerful!
So how to collaborate?
Well, for me it has always been with my will power, positivity, and non-judgment. I have found partners all over this planet willing to work together. We have channelled ideas into concrete businesses, shared spaces, and online platforms. Call people, email them, try to connect and don't be afraid to get no response or a negative one. Just keep trying! If you really believe what you are doing is worth something and it requires collaborative efforts don't give up. Most people don't succeed because they don't try in the first place. Feel free to email us as we are the learning lifestyle crew! We want your ideas to be on this platform just as much as the sustainable merchandise you want to sell for the greater good of the world. We know we aren't masters of the universe, but instead we are students to what it has to offer.
Together we are the master and together we are prosperous, abundant, and blessed.
Your Snarky Spiritualist
A small village in Thailand. Only 300 Lahu worked together efficiently and with love. Where the entire village build each others homes and for luck done in one day's time. I was a witness to people coming together for one another in this holy ritual. Perhaps nothing but a tradition for them it became a profound and beautiful experience for me.