Social Media Streamlining 101 for Coaches, Healers, and Course-Creators part 1
After years of doing social media and running a coaching business I have finally managed to create a quite efficient step-by-step strategy for all my platforms that makes social media streamlining easy and painless. It took many different trials and tribulations before I found a system that really worked for me. At the beginning of my business I wanted to do everything and somehow I thought I could. I realized quite quickly that in order to do things well it serves to focus on a max of 3 social media outlets to grow and 1 that is your main jam.
Efficiency and knowing the most awesome helpful apps to either purchase or use is the name of the game. I remember reading and watching so many how-to videos that said contradictory information and I would try to do it all, and of course, not much movement happened when that was my strategy. The DO-IT-ALL strategy will not work. If you are looking to gain a true authentic audience it is important to not focus on numbers as much as your message.
I will break down this blog post into 3 parts: how I formulate my message, what apps I use to streamline, and how I turn that into leads/clients/customers.
If you are looking to gain a true authentic audience, it’s important to not focus on numbers as much as your message.
Building real relationships is what social media is really for and yet we can easily get caught up in the numbers game. Numbers mean nothing if you are not gaining real authentic connection with your audience and/or future clients. Because of this I highly recommend finding one social media application that you feel joy when you are on and you enjoy it enough to really connect with people on a consistent day to day basis.
In order to build a message that people want to connect with it takes vulnerability and self-awareness. It seems simple, but, I would say that this is the part that takes the most self-reflection. If you are a coach, healer, or course-creator you didn’t get into this practice for the money. You got into this because you truly have something big you want to share with the world because you have something that has helped you personally in your life and you know it can do the same for others. Understanding how to minimize the fluff and get to the crux of the problem that you solve is the premise of most marketing.
The special part is combining both your problem you solve and your personality with as little words as possible. Most people stop reading a social media post by the seventh word if it has not caught their attention yet. Also, 80% of social media feeds are self involved. A lot of people will look at this and think, oh great, a bunch of self-involved narcissists, what kind of world do we live in?! But, I would say that is a great thing that people are so ready to be introspective and answer questions about themselves if I pose it the right way. Most of my Facebook posts are direct questions to my audience about themselves in the themes of what I teach and how I can help. Because people are so keen to answer, my ability to help becomes clearer and clearer each time!
I can use this to my advantage for three things AND it is kind of like dating.
Understanding my audience more and more every day.
Building a following through connecting to someone and asking more about them before talking about myself.
By the time I do talk about myself and what I can offer it is in their words and their answers because I have been building my research through my audience.
So, essentially if you don’t know how to attract an audience, start with questions that relate to the work that you do! Talk about your own story and what problems that the work you do has solved for you. Then,when you have collected their answers create further information literally using their exact words. On Facebook, I call this ‘Facebook stalking’ for my research and I have a full document of copy and pasted words from other people. I collect these into two documents and put it into an admin folder.
When I see someone state a problem that reminds me of the problems I once had before, I copy it into a document labeled ‘problems’ and use it later! If I see people discussing their dreams and it sounds like the solution that I offer I put that in my ‘solution’ document.
This is why people so often tell me “Brook, I feel like you are directly talking to me!” Because, very often I am using their exact words in relation to my service/product!
I am an affiliate of some of these sites below (I will make a commission at no extra cost to you). However, I do only create affiliates with companies that I fully back and use myself.
I started getting high paying clients before I ever had a website or many different social media outlets by simply building a Facebook Group. So, I would highly recommend building a group primarily on the solution that you provide for the person that you want to help.
For me I post consistently, but with way less pressure. Majority of my posts in Facebook are questions in my group and 2-3 times a month I do live videos. If I am promoting a new course, academy, or offer in general I may do a week-long boot camp on a particular topic that makes sense with the offer.
Here is a list of all the apps and social media tools I use to run my entire online business. I have another blog post specifically on streamlining the VA and administrative tasks as well for more detail on some of these applications that are more administrative focused. This blog post is more on time-management for social media and how to do less and get more out of your focused time.
Okay, so, here is the thing with Tailwind. Tailwind lets you automate your Pinterest and Instagram photos and tags etc… for the month. I use it alongside manually pinning on Pinterest AND doing daily pictures of stories on IG. I have noticed that just doing automation is not truly effective, although, trying to only do manual is stressful as f&ck and just simply not realistic if you want to live a happy and healthy life. Tailwind is great. I cannot recommend it more. It truly is a lifesaver. It really is for those that do Pinterest more than for IG as there are many free programs that can automate posts for IG. But, for Pinterest there are lots of cool tools, like being able to see your analytics and repost what is working, adding boards and sharing with other boards etc…
Really, if you don’t know Facebook at this point, you may be under a rock. I use Facebook primarily for groups and spend roughly 10 minutes a day on it, unless I am doing a live video that day. Most of the time I am in Messenger to avoid being dragged down by the stream and getting lost in cute cat pictures and politics. The way I use Facebook is 1 post a day minimum in my group and spend the other time in 2 groups per month that I change every month. I try to be authentic. This means not spending time in a bunch of groups but picking 2-3 that makes sense to whom you want to help and when you are in the group it makes you feel good. You will want to connect more authentically if you feel a real connection with the people in the group.
IG *Instagram
So, for coaches and healers I feel Instagram is making a come-back as of late. Since IGTV and stories, it really has allowed for coaches and healers and even course-creators to have a space to share their knowledge. I have noticed that longer posts get more comments and more comments get more authentic followers. If you hit 10k followers, you can put your links on every post, however, I am definitely a person that cares more about authentic audience than just numbers.
🔔 If you are looking for even more help, please join our Masterclass as we go through all of this in 2.5 hours with room for you to ask personal questions about your business.
This Do Less and Get More Clients Masterclass aims to help you if you find that you are in a state of overwhelm and scattered without an effective system that allows you ample time to take care of yourself as well.
I will be breaking down 3 main parts in this 2.5 hour masterclass that usually are taught over many weeks for hundreds, if not thousands of dollars. Why? Because I really do believe in the give it all away approach.
Giving really solid information is my jam because I truly care about you succeeding, because I know the more of us that are succeeding the better in this world.
1. How I formulate my message
2. What apps I use to streamline and everything else
3. How I turn that into leads/clients/customers and how much time it takes me in a month/week
I am a huge believer in working smarter and more JOYFUL, not struggling and harder. If you lose the joy, you also lose your future client's attention.
It is all about finding that sweet spot of true authentic connection and self care.
See you soon!
Here is the Link:
Please donate also if you are joining as this is a pro-bono course if you are just starting out but built with some really solid advice and help.
Here is the donate link ;)
If the masterclass has passed, you can always join our Academy and all masterclasses ever done are given to you in a resource center with provided materials from the class as well. You never have to miss any of it and you can be part of a real authentic community of change-makers who understand that self-care and business go hand-in-hand.
Well, I hope this was an informative and super useful post, as it was quite darn thorough!!
Infinite love and Gratitude,
Brook Woolf
Your future Emotional Body Mapper and Holistic Business Coach!
I can happily say that my dreams came true with both my mindset and holistic business coaching and with my bodywork and emotional body mapping teaching. I feel I am finally fully able to be there every step of the way with my client's needs and be a witness to the process.
Join our Clarifying your purpose free boot camp:
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Buy the book “The body speaks: Conversations on Emotional Body Mapping”