Emotional Body Mapping Blog
Are you fed up with conventional treatments that just don't cut it?
Feel like your chronic pain and emotional trauma are holding you hostage?
Welcome to Emotional Body Mapping, a sanctuary for holistic healers and those seeking an alternative path to healing. We see you, we hear you, and we understand your struggle.
You might be thinking, "I've tried everything, and I'm still stuck in this never-ending cycle of pain and suffering." Guess what? You're not alone, and there's a way out. Here, we'll guide you and other holistic healers in growing your authentic businesses while overcoming the debilitating effects of unresolved trauma and chronic pain.
So, buckle up and get ready to dive into the life-changing world of Emotional Body Mapping. Together, we'll explore revolutionary techniques and insights that will empower you to conquer pain, heal from emotional trauma, and cultivate a thriving practice. Are you ready to unlock your true potential and transform your life? Let's begin this incredible journey!
Top 10 Fermented Foods for Gut Healing: Your Ultimate Guide
Fermented foods have been celebrated for centuries for their gut-healing properties. This ultimate guide explores the top 10 fermented foods that can boost your gut health. From the probiotic-rich kombucha and sauerkraut to the protein-packed tempeh and miso, each food offers unique health benefits. Incorporating these fermented foods into your diet can help improve digestion, boost immunity, and promote overall wellness. Embark on a journey of culinary discovery and gut health with these fermented superfoods.
Mindful Eating for Better Emotional and Digestive Health
Mindful eating is a transformative practice that can significantly improve both emotional and digestive health. It involves being fully present during meals, savoring each bite, and listening to your body's hunger and fullness cues. This practice not only enhances the enjoyment of food but also reduces stress eating and supports better digestion. By fostering a healthier relationship with food, mindful eating can lead to improved emotional well-being and a more balanced digestive system.
The Gut-Brain Connection: How Emotions Affect Digestive Health
The gut-brain connection is a fascinating aspect of our body's intricate system. It's a bi-directional communication highway where our gut and brain send signals to each other, impacting various aspects of our health. Emotions, particularly stress and anxiety, can significantly affect our digestive health. When we're stressed, our brain sends signals causing changes in our gut, leading to symptoms like upset stomach, heartburn, or even irritable bowel syndrome. Conversely, an unhealthy gut can send signals to the brain, potentially leading to mood disorders like anxiety or depression. Understanding this connection is crucial for maintaining both emotional and digestive health.
What causes self-sabotaging behavior and 5 strategies to stop doing it!
What causes self-sabotaging behavior? It is really easy to buy that gym membership and never use it. But, there are ways to avoid the self-sabotage and here are 5 strategies to get you started on your road to success.
Seven steps towards grounding: Morning routines for freelance workers and a travel lifestyle
Having trouble with productivity and holding yourself accountable now that you are your own boss? Check out these useful tips to get yourself situated in the morning! A fresh morning sets the day's intentions.
Shifting Mindsets and Inspiring Healing in Chiang Mai, Thailand
If you are a new traveler and finding that it is harder than you thought, this is a good place to feel supported. In this article, you will learn some of the common challenges that a new traveler faces and that there are solutions to these challenges. Even healing through the worst chronic physical pain and emotional baggage through travel is possible, however, it takes facing it with mindful strategies.
Scarcity Mindset 2018; Commercialism and Complacency
It is time to shift. The shift doesn't mean getting more stuff. It is knowing you have everything you need already. Read this and get your mind spun.
6 Mindful Travel Meditations
An in-depth guide on how to enhance your traveling experience through meditation.
Why people hate the word Spirituality, but hate on Atheism more.
Everyone got to their belief's from their personal experience. So, let's do our best not to judge but to listen. They are trying to share themselves with you!
Not my sh*t! A common mantra for many
Come let's have some tea and a chat. Let's marinate on who's crap we are carrying, feeling obligated to carry and how to let it go.
Pondering Weekend... Self love and helping others.
A little guide to learning how to step away from obligation. Thoughts of helping others and forgetting self.