9 Alternatives to buying Protection Crystals
Disclaimer: I am not one to use the word protection as I believe all words carry power. That being said, I want to share these words with you because I feel it is very important to share tools of empowerment and especially to those seeking some form of protection/comfort. Also, if you are in physical danger, please seek support in your local neighborhood and take action to find safety. There are people that want to help.
Have you ever wondered how trends become trends or even work in the first place? Trends are a beautiful reflection of the times and where people are as a collective emotionally. According to Pinterest trends 2021 , protection crystals are going to have a 100% increase in searches in the US, Germany, and Canada. This got me really thinking about what it is that brings people to search for a protection crystal.
When I notice trends like this, it does make my emotional body mapping brain turn on and my intuitive body lights up. I begin to go deep within the shadows of our cultures and feel the disconnect and dis-ease of our current crisis.
In order for us to empower ourselves, it takes awareness of what is the subtle nature of how culture condones and even attracts our weaknesses.
Here are a few difficult yet empowering practices that I feel serve us deeper than any single tool we could purchase this year for protection.
Communication practices that create solid boundaries.
Ex. Saying No and being firm in your No.
Asking for help before we feel depleted and NEED help.
Consistency with our boundaries and being comfortable with repeating our needs if the boundary is crossed.
2. Doing less ‘productive’ practices and more self-care practices.
Sometimes we want to be a superhero and sometimes our body gives us the finger and says NO! Learning your pace takes time and especially when the world doesn’t really have systems in place for variations of how schedules can look in accordance with your mental, emotional, and physical wellbeing. In these times, it is NORMAL to have good days and bad days. It is NORMAL to have tired and overwhelmed days. Pay attention to your needs and be gentle with yourself. It is a day by day process of setting intentions to care about yourself as a priority.
Here are a few ways you can start implementing practices that are SELF LOVE and CARE forward.
Try switching one priority that you have given yourself that is for someone/something else and see if you can add one priority that is JUST FOR YOU.
Example. Making dinner on Monday (someone else can do it!) to longer meditations in the evening.
2. Make a day once a week that you turn off your phone. Unless you are in a career where other people’s literal lives are at stake, yes you can do it.
3. Ask for help from one person per week if you are someone who has trouble asking for help. Help does not make you weak, we are all on this planet for a reason. AND, there are people who want to genuinely help and don’t know how until they are asked.
4.Pick one of the basic self-care focuses per month: healthy eating, healthy sleeping, exercise, or meditation. Set a goal to give yourself that is achievable but a little intimidating. Growth is not always super comfortable, but the results allow you to stay motivated to honor your health.
Get worksheets, meditations, mantras, and exercises to help heal your chronic pain, stress and tension in your life. It can be accessible and affordable.
Pexels in RF studio
3. Meditation Practice/ Journal Assignment to delve into who/what you are giving your power to currently.
Whenever I find myself in a serious funk I ask myself this question in a meditation. Usually, the truth reveals itself and I am skirting around self-care and focused more on things I cannot control in my life. This way of thinking will inevitably lead to overwhelm, tiredness, dis-ease, and a boatload of things that you don’t want to invite into your life. It is a disempowering way to move through our lives and there are far better ways to give yourself the care that you deserve.
Ask yourself the question, “who/what am I giving my power to?”
If that question is too elusive for you try, “Who/what am I putting most of my energy/attention on?”
Spend at least 20 minutes writing or meditating and then writing to see what comes of the question. If you are open with yourself the truth usually appears rather quickly AND the solution appears even quicker! Simply navigate your attention back onto your self-care, growth, learning and building. The more you honor yourself, the more you have control of the situations that you are working towards positively changing.
4. Find comfort in the uncomfortable.
These days life is hard sometimes, and there will be off days if you are present. Sometimes, we are uncomfortable. Remember, learning happens most when we are uncomfortable. Remember, it is NORMAL to have good days and bad days. Growing pains are normal and if we lean into them, even more so, the really sore parts tend to release with ease. I wish sometimes that transformations were a one-and-done kind of thing, but they are definitely not! It is more like an onion whereas you peel one part of your growth a new layer appears for you to identify and tackle.
5. Seek a purpose-driven life.
Purpose-driven lives tend to outlive those that are seeking happiness or comfort, which are momentary feelings. They normally are roads unpaved and require you to build yourself, but they are freaking worth it! Take it from someone who definitely has lived a nontraditional lifestyle in all ways, from traveling the world, learning from experiences, living tiny, being an artist, and creating a healing modality called emotional body mapping. Yeah, I am a weirdo unicorn and damn happy to be one!
6. Be authentic, especially when it is scary.
Let your life carry meaning and show us your untamed self, authentic and raw! It may be uncomfortable at times, as authenticity is sometimes met with animosity or disdain. On the other side, though, is your people. Your community, your friends, and your lovers want to see you for you, all bumps and bruises and pimples and all! The more you reveal yourself the more you meet your people that will be far more sacred than any protection spell or crystal you will ever purchase.
What is cuter than this!!? Who needs protection crystals when you have cute little hedgehogs?!
7. Find Joy in the little things.
Maybe you don’t think this needs its own category, but I do! Small moments are gold. They are often overlooked, especially when things are tough. If we are too goal-oriented, we can lose sight of the joy in life and how simple it is to achieve it. We can start to get desire-hungry and seek validation outside of ourselves. But, when we can tackle the simplicity of present moment joys, we can slow the breath down long enough to pause, reflect, smile, laugh, hug, embrace, smell, taste, and enjoy all the wonderful things that our life has to offer.
Write down at the end of each day 3 things that got you to smile. You will notice, even on the worst days, we have this. When you are really down, you can go to this journal and just read your own reflections of your joys. Make sure to keep this in its own journal so you can find it easily in rough times where your words' power can carry you when your heart feels heavy.
Empowered People Looking Fierce …Photo by Polina Kovaleva from Pexels
8. Remember your POWER!
This is true empowerment. You are the crystal/wand/magickal tool and the tool is powerful when linked with you!
I love doing meditations that lead me to my center and remind me of how strong and powerful I really am. Unfortunately, I know that these things are sometimes the last thing we think about when we are feeling disempowered or discouraged by life or situations. If only you remember what it feels like to say yes to something you would definitely say yes to right now, then connecting to those body sensations, is a first step in feeling into your power.
All your answers and healing come from within. All of it is with you right now. I know it sounds cheesy, but hey, you and I both know we believe in some pretty epic magick out there! So, why not believe in yourself!
9. Affirmations and Mantras.
Build your language of protection, guidance, and healing, and get used to saying it with your voice. Words carry power, and as a witch in this world, I know deeply how powerful they really are! This will allow you to honor yourself in all situations and have the power to use that language more easily in any situation. Your voice is a weapon, a chalice, a tool, and your sword. It can be your greatest ability to share your power through EMPOWERMENT.
I recommend when first starting your own mantras and affirmations to keep it simple and concise. Ex. “I am LEARNING deeply how to TRUST myself” or, “I VALUE MYSELF as a POWERFUL INSPIRATION for others.” It doesn’t have to start with I. It can just be something you are working on believing in yourself or something that you know people come to you for and holds power for your purpose in your life. I have a free course on creating a life mission statement if you are still currently looking for clarity on your life purpose.
I hope these seven tips to building your inner protection magick help your journey. You are magickal and you have everything you need right here and now!
Hello! If you made it this far then you are very cool, obviously. I am Brook Woolf, the Author of this blog and founder of Emotional Body Mapping. If you want to know more about me feel free to check out my other posts and my bio! I hope you have found my site to have useful and thoughtful information. If you ever want me to do a deep dive on a topic feel free to email me! I am a real person and love hearing from my readers. Also, if you are looking for guidance in your holistic practice or life I also do private coaching if none of the online courses satiate you enough.