Physical Exercises for Hip Pain Caused by Emotions: A Holistic Approach to Healing

Hip Relief

"Hey, hips don't lie, right?" But what if those hips are screaming out in pain, and you're left feeling like you've hit rock bottom? You know that feeling, where you can't help but think, "Why me? Is there any way to escape this never-ending cycle of agony?"

We get it. You're tired of feeling like you're dragging around two bags of bricks, wondering if this is just the price you pay for living. Well, guess what? It doesn't have to be this way. Let's take a moment to acknowledge that hip pain can be downright frustrating and that you're not alone in feeling helpless and out of shape. But, what if we told you there's more to this pain than meets the eye? That your emotions could be playing a role in this dance of discomfort?

Hold on to your hats, because we're about to dive into a holistic approach that just might change the way you think about hip pain. We promise to help you explore the deep connection between your physical pain and emotions, and guide you through the physical exercises that can help you heal. So, are you ready to shake things up and kick hip pain to the curb? Let's begin.

As a holistic healer and emotional body mapping facilitator, I have experienced the transformative power of addressing the emotional roots of physical pain. For many people seeking holistic health solutions, Western medicine may not provide the long-lasting relief they need. If you are struggling with hip pain caused by emotions, this blog post will explore common problems and solutions, offer physical therapy exercises, and empathize with your struggles. Our compassionate, heart-centered, and educational approach aims to empower you on your journey to healing. If you are seeking to understand deeper the emotional root, check out my other blog post, The Hidden Emotional Causes of Hip Pain and How to Address Them through Body Mapping.


Now, it's time to explore the diverse world of physical therapy styles and exercises that can be beneficial for alleviating hip pain caused by emotions or hip pain in general. With a wide range of approaches and techniques available, individuals can choose the most suitable methods based on their unique needs and preferences. From targeted resistance band exercises and gentle stretches to more comprehensive methods such as yoga and Pilates, there's a wealth of options to help relieve tension in the hips and promote overall well-being. By incorporating these exercises into your daily routine, you can not only address the physical symptoms of hip pain but also cultivate a deeper awareness of the mind-body connection, allowing for a holistic approach to healing and improved quality of life.

Hip Pain

Physical Therapy Exercises for Hip Pain

Hip Flexor Stretch

  • Kneel on one knee, with the other foot flat on the floor in front of you, forming a 90-degree angle.

  • Gently push your hips forward while keeping your back straight, stretching the front of your hip.

  • Hold for 30 seconds, then switch sides.

    Piriformis Stretch

  • Lie on your back with both knees bent and feet flat on the floor.

  • Cross your right ankle over your left knee.

  • Grasp your left thigh with both hands and gently pull it towards your chest.

  • Hold for 30 seconds, then switch sides.

    Psoas Muscle Release

  • Lie on your back with your knees bent and feet flat on the floor.

  • Place a soft massage ball or tennis ball under your lower back, near the spine, and above the hip bone.

  • Gently rock side to side or up and down, allowing the ball to massage and release tension in the psoas muscle.

  • Spend 1-2 minutes on each side.


  • Lie on your side with your legs bent at a 90-degree angle and your feet together.

  • Keeping your feet touching, lift your top knee as high as you can without shifting your hips or lower back.

  • Lower the knee back down slowly, maintaining control.

  • Perform 10-15 repetitions on each side.

Fire Hydrants

  • Start on your hands and knees, with your hands directly under your shoulders and your knees under your hips.

  • Keeping your knee bent, lift your right leg out to the side, keeping your foot flexed.

  • Lower your leg back to the starting position.

  • Perform 10-15 repetitions on each side.

Glute Bridges

  • Lie on your back with your knees bent and feet flat on the floor, hip-width apart.

  • Push through your heels and lift your hips off the floor, forming a straight line from your knees to your shoulders.

  • Squeeze your glutes at the top, then slowly lower your hips back to the ground.

  • Perform 10-15 repetitions.

Seated Figure-4 Stretch

  • Sit on a chair with your feet flat on the ground.

  • Cross your right ankle over your left knee, forming a figure-4 shape with your legs.

  • Gently press down on your right knee to feel a stretch in your outer hip.

  • Hold for 30 seconds, then switch sides.

Lying Leg Crossover Stretch

  • Lie on your back with your legs extended and arms out to the sides.

  • Bring your right knee towards your chest and gently guide it across your body towards your left side, keeping your right shoulder on the ground.

  • Hold for 30 seconds, then switch sides.

Hip Exercise

Resistance Bands

Resistance band restoration exercises can be a game-changer when it comes to managing hip pain. They provide targeted resistance to help strengthen the muscles around the hip joint and increase mobility. Just like a knight in shining armor, resistance bands can swoop in and save the day, helping you move more freely and with less pain.

But it's not just about strength - resistance band exercises can also help with flexibility and range of motion. By incorporating resistance bands into your restoration exercises, you can target specific areas of the hip and get a deeper stretch. Plus, using resistance bands can make exercises more fun and interesting. It's like adding a dash of flavor to your favorite dish - it makes it more exciting and enjoyable. And when an exercise is enjoyable, you're more likely to stick with it and see results.

So don't be afraid to incorporate resistance band exercises into your hip pain management routine. Your hip joint will thank you, and you may just discover a new favorite exercise in the process.

Banded Lateral Walks

  • Place a resistance band around your ankles or above your knees.

  • Stand with your feet hip-width apart, and slightly bend your knees.

  • Take a step to the right with your right foot, followed by your left foot, maintaining tension in the band.

  • Repeat for 10-15 steps in each direction.

Banded Hip Abduction

  • Place a resistance band around your ankles.

  • Stand with your feet hip-width apart, holding onto a wall or chair for balance if needed.

  • Keeping your left leg straight, lift your right leg out to the side while maintaining tension in the band.

  • Slowly lower your right leg back to the starting position.

  • Perform 10-15 repetitions on each side.

Banded Clamshells

  • Place a resistance band around your thighs, just above your knees.

  • Lie on your side with your legs bent at a 90-degree angle and feet together.

  • Keeping your feet touching, lift your top knee as high as you can without shifting your hips or lower back.

  • Lower the knee back down slowly, maintaining control.

  • Perform 10-15 repetitions on each side.

Banded Leg Press

  • Loop a resistance band around the bottom of a sturdy post or leg of a heavy piece of furniture.

  • Lie on your back with your legs bent at a 90-degree angle and the band around the arches of your feet.

  • Push your feet away from your body, extending your legs against the resistance of the band.

  • Slowly return to the starting position, maintaining control.

  • Perform 10-15 repetitions.

Banded Donkey Kicks

  • Place a resistance band around your ankles.

  • Start on your hands and knees, with your hands directly under your shoulders and your knees under your hips.

  • Keeping your right knee bent at a 90-degree angle, lift your right foot towards the ceiling against the resistance of the band.

  • Lower your leg back to the starting position.

  • Perform 10-15 repetitions on each side.

Foam Roller

Revolutionize Your Hip Pain Relief: Experience the Ultimate Foam Roller for Effective Stretching and Massage

Are you tired of suffering from hip pain? Have you tried conventional approaches like static stretching and over-the-counter pain relievers, only to find that they provide temporary relief at best? We know how frustrating and limiting hip pain can be, and that's why we're excited to introduce you to the ultimate solution: the 321 STRONG Foam Roller!

Conventional Approaches and Their Limitations:

  1. Static stretching: Although static stretching can help improve flexibility and provide some relief from hip pain, it often lacks effectiveness in targeting the root cause of the pain. Additionally, static stretching alone may not be enough to release muscle tension and tightness, which can contribute to hip discomfort.

  2. Over-the-counter pain relievers: While pain relievers can help alleviate hip pain temporarily, they don't address the underlying causes of the pain. Furthermore, relying on pain relievers for long-term relief can have undesirable side effects and health risks.

Introducing the 321 STRONG Foam Roller: The 321 STRONG Foam Roller is designed to provide a superior method of hip pain relief by combining deep tissue massage with effective stretching. This high-quality foam roller features a unique 3D textured surface that mimics the pressure of a massage therapist's hands, effectively targeting tight muscles and trigger points that cause hip pain.

Why the 321 STRONG Foam Roller is Superior:

  1. Deep tissue massage: The textured surface of the 321 STRONG Foam Roller allows you to perform a deep tissue massage, effectively releasing muscle tension and tightness. This can improve blood circulation, increase flexibility, and promote faster recovery, all of which contribute to hip pain relief.

  2. Enhanced stretching: The 321 STRONG Foam Roller is not just for massage; it's also an effective tool for stretching. Incorporating foam rolling into your stretching routine can help you reach deeper muscle layers and improve overall mobility.

  3. Durability and versatility: Made from high-quality materials, this foam roller is built to last. Its versatile design makes it suitable for various body parts, so you can effectively address hip pain and other muscle discomforts throughout your body.

Maybe you are thinking:

  1. "Foam rolling is painful": While foam rolling can be uncomfortable at first, especially when targeting tight muscles and trigger points, the benefits far outweigh the initial discomfort. As you become more accustomed to foam rolling, the pain will subside, and you'll experience increased relief and relaxation.

  2. "Foam rollers are too expensive": The 321 STRONG Foam Roller offers excellent value for money, providing a cost-effective solution for long-term hip pain relief. Investing in a high-quality foam roller is a wise decision that can save you money on pain relievers and potential future medical expenses. We included this particular foam roller in this blog post because it includes all the tools you will need to recover from your hip pain and do all the exercises provided in this blog. It’s an all-in-one tool!

In conclusion, if you're looking for a superior method to alleviate hip pain, the 321 STRONG Foam Roller is the ultimate solution. Incorporating this foam roller into your exercise routine can significantly improve your hip pain relief, mobility, and overall well-being. So, don't let hip pain hold you back – experience the life-changing benefits of the 321 STRONG Foam Roller today!

Exercises for the foam roller:

Quadriceps Roll

  • Lie face down with the foam roller under your thighs.

  • Use your forearms to support your upper body and slowly roll from your hip to your knee.

  • Pause on any tender spots for 20-30 seconds.

  • Repeat on the other leg.

    Iliotibial (IT) Band Roll

  • Lie on your side with the foam roller under your hip.

  • Use your forearm to support your upper body and slowly roll from your hip to your knee.

  • Pause on any tender spots for 20-30 seconds.

  • Repeat on the other side.

    Glute Roll

  • Sit on the foam roller with your knees bent and feet flat on the floor.

  • Cross your right ankle over your left knee.

  • Lean towards your right hip and slowly roll over your right glute.

  • Pause on any tender spots for 20-30 seconds.

  • Repeat on the other side.

    Piriformis Roll

  • Sit on the foam roller with your knees bent and feet flat on the floor.

  • Cross your right ankle over your left knee.

  • Lean towards your right hip and slowly roll over your right glute.

  • Pause on any tender spots for 20-30 seconds.

  • Rotate your right knee in and out to massage the piriformis muscle.

  • Repeat on the other side.

    Hamstring Roll

  • Sit on the foam roller with your legs straight out in front of you.

  • Place your hands behind you for support.

  • Slowly roll from your glutes to the back of your knee.

  • Pause on any tender spots for 20-30 seconds.

  • Cross one ankle over the opposite knee and roll over the outer hamstring.

  • Repeat on the other side.

These physical therapy exercises can help strengthen the muscles around your hips and alleviate hip pain caused by emotions. Remember to start with a resistance level that is challenging but allows you to maintain proper form. As you get stronger, you can increase the resistance to continue challenging your muscles. Incorporating these physical therapy exercises into your daily routine can help alleviate hip pain caused by emotions. As you perform these exercises, remember to listen to your body and maintain proper form. If you experience any pain or discomfort, consult with a physical therapist or healthcare professional for personalized guidance.

As someone who has personally experienced the emotional roots of physical pain in my hips, I understand the frustration of seeking relief through Western medicine without finding lasting solutions. By addressing the emotional aspects of our pain, we can begin to heal holistically and find lasting relief. 

It is important to address the whole body in our minds and muscles because the pain begins in both places simultaneously.

Addressing the emotional causes of hip pain allows us to understand our bodies and emotions better, empowering us to take control of our healing journey. By incorporating physical therapy exercises and holistic approaches such as emotional body mapping and trauma-informed physical therapy, we can work towards lasting relief and improved well-being. Incorporate these physical therapy exercises and holistic practices into your daily routine, and begin to experience the benefits of a compassionate, heart-centered, and educational approach to healing.

The Final Stretch: Embracing Your New Path

So, here we are, at the end of our journey together. You might be thinking, "Can I really overcome this hip pain and reclaim my life?" You bet your glutes you can! It's natural to feel overwhelmed or uncertain but remember, you've got the power to make a change, and we're here to cheer you on every step of the way.

You've learned how to connect with your emotions and work through physical exercises that help you heal holistically. You're no longer shackled by helplessness or feeling out of shape. In fact, you're on your way to becoming a hip pain warrior, ready to face whatever life throws at you!

Just imagine the freedom you'll feel when you can move without pain, and the confidence you'll gain as you conquer your emotional baggage. You're not just healing your hips; you're transforming your life, inside and out. Every step you take, every stretch you make, brings you closer to a happier, healthier you.

So, as you embark on this new path, remember: you're never alone. We believe in you, and we know you've got what it takes to leave hip pain in the dust. Stand tall, breathe deep, and let's make some noise for the incredible journey ahead!

Emotional Body Mapping

Thank you for reading this post. I hope the information and insights I've shared have been helpful to you. If you're struggling with anxiety, depression, overwhelm, or chronic pain, emotional body mapping facilitation can help you find relief and healing.

I offer 1:1 coaching sessions for emotional body mapping, and I'm here to support you on your journey toward better emotional and physical health. If you're ready to take the first step towards healing and want to work with me, I encourage you to reach out and schedule a free breakthrough session. However, I understand that 1:1 coaching may not be feasible or desirable for everyone at this time. That's why I offer a range of other resources, including books, courses, and self-care starter kits, designed to help you manage your symptoms and find relief from anxiety, depression, overwhelm, or chronic pain.

I believe in accessibility and offer a self-care starter course starting at just $11, so you can get the help you need without breaking the bank. Together, we can work towards healing your emotional and physical pain and help you create a healthier, happier, and more fulfilling life.

So, if you're ready to take the next step toward emotional healing, I invite you to explore my website and check out my range of resources. Let's work together toward a brighter future.

Hip Exercise
Foam Roller
Pain Management
Physical Therapy
Resistance bands


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